Well-Being and Fitness

This is an apt post for me this week, as the marathon training has now reached the 20 mile mark. After running 20 miles your body is not necessarily feeling good. I can assure anybody that has never run that far before that it is not a walk in the park, literally. Everything aches as I write this, and this is two days after the run.

I am sure that well-being and fitness are linked, they must be because the body is completely integrated with the mind, and so it stands to reason that if the body is healthy then you will be on your way to feeling good too. But like all extremes in life, they should be avoided if possible, and I think too much exercise can possibly have a detrimental effect on the way that you feel. After this excessive running program that I am following, I have passed through the feel-good, healthy factor and now instead feel fatigued, achy, and flat. I guess that eventually if my body continued to run these lengths it would grow accustomed to the distance and begin to feel good again, but at the moment that seems a long way away.

I definitely agree with the sentiments from the article below, but I would recommend moderation when applying to your own life. If you want to build up, then build up gradually. I have jumped into this marathon rather quickly, and the sudden increases are beginning to affect my well-being.


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